Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An 'Accidental' Meeting, Miraculous Healing, and Heart-Exploding Love - A Twin Flame Story

On Saturday, December 8th, 2012, I was supposed to go to an open house of a chiropractor who was opening up a new office. I had penciled it in on my calendar for that day.  I had been wanting to visit chiropractors in my area to see if any of them were interested in my teaching the natural childbirth classes I had been teaching for a while.  I thought it might be nice to see if any local doctors were interested in hosting the classes and I wanted to see if they had the space to hold the classes.  I had been putting this off for a while.  When I saw the announcement of this open house, I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to check out the office and meet the doctor.  The office was offering free food sensitivity testing using a bioresonance machine at the open house and I was very interested in getting tested. 

On the morning of December 8th, I looked at my calendar and saw that I had written in the open house.  As I contemplated going, an unusual apprehension and shyness came over me.  "Who was I to go somewhere just to get free food sensitivity testing?"  Somehow I felt like I'd be taking advantage, even though it was a free offering.  Insecurity filled me.  I suddenly felt too shy to go.  I stayed home.

Two days later, on Monday, December 10th, 2012, I was sitting in my car at a red light.  A car from behind me crashed into my car at what seemed like full speed.  The impact caused my car to crash into the car in front of me.  My head hit the headrest behind me and I screamed.  My son in the back seat shouted, "Did you die?!"  "No, I didn't die," I told him.  My car was totaled.  It was sandwiched in between the two cars.  My son was okay.  I was not.

A handsome man suddenly appeared at my window asking me if I was okay.  I said, "Yes," even though I wanted to say no and felt that I wanted him to stay and help me.  It all happened so fast and I hadn't had time to think or process how I felt.  He left as quickly as he came.  I think he was an angel.  

The cops came to assess the accident and question the man who crashed into me.  They charged him.  I knew something was wrong with me and that I needed help, but the police were not helping me or paying attention to me.  I guess to them I seemed fine.  I was not.  I was trying to get their attention to no avail.

I picked up my cell phone which had fallen onto the floor of my car along with the contents of my purse.  I did an internet search for "concussion."  This was a highly difficult task for me to do in the state I was in, but I pushed through.  It was like being very, very drunk.  I read the description and with slurred and slow speech I told one of the police officers that I thought I had a concussion.  They called an ambulance.  

When the ambulance arrived, I got in.  There were two very handsome paramedics attending to me. I was nauseous, so I held a plastic basin on my lap the whole time, feeling as if I would vomit.  They asked me questions and I responded with very slow, slurred speech and found it hard to talk.  They were very nice.  I didn't have health insurance, so I didn't want them to drive me to the hospital.  I knew I needed help, but didn't know how I would pay for the care.  A friend who was supposed to be meeting me at my destination came to the ambulance.  I decided to go with him instead of with the paramedics.  He would drive my son and me to a friend's house.  On the way, I knew something was very wrong with me.  I could not find words.  I could not speak correctly.  My brain had been very badly damaged and I knew it.  I asked my friend to drop me off at the emergency room and he brought my son to our friend's house.  Later, this friend told me that I had been using all the wrong words when speaking and I hadn't even realized it.

At the hospital, so many nice and beautiful doctors and nurses attended to me.  It all felt surreal, just like it did in the ambulance.  It felt like the two paramedics and all the nice doctors and nurses were also angels.  I felt surrounded by love and caring.

I noticed something while I was sitting on the gurney in the hallway in the ER.  They didn't have a room for me, so I was sitting out in the open space.  I noticed that I was numb from the waist up, including my head.  I could not feel my skin.  This was very concerning to me, so I told some of the doctors and nurses when they'd come over to check on me.  They all said the same thing, "It just from shock. The feeling will come back."  They told me I would be in tremendous pain the next day and they gave me prescriptions for muscle relaxers and pain killers.  Every time a doctor or nurse came by to check on me, they emphasized how much pain I would be in the next day.

My friend picked me up from the hospital, brought me to where my son was and then she drove us home.  The next day, I woke up and felt no pain.  I was shocked.  I fully expected to feel the pain they told me I would feel.    

The effects from the traumatic brain injury were such that I had lost my personality, speech, word retrieval, math ability, writing ability, and memory, although I still had long-term memory from before the accident.  I was moving in slow motion.  I was sleeping all day with extreme fatigue.  I could still speak, but my speech was slurred, slow, and I wasn't using the correct words, nor could I remember the words I needed. The extent of my memory loss was so severe that at some point after the accident, I had spent the day with a friend and told her about the accident.  The next day, I saw this same friend again and said to her, "Have I seen you since my car accident?"  At first she thought I was joking and she laughed, but when she saw my blank face with complete sincerity, she realized that I really didn't remember.  I had literally zero recollection of the day before.  I didn't remember spending the day with her. 

I was a single mom.  I was in bed most of the time, incapacitated, except to go to the kitchen and get food for my son.  How scary it must have been for this seven year-old boy to see his mother, in bed with such a bad brain injury, slurred speech and walking like a 100 year-old woman.  My goodness, that must have been so traumatic for him.  My poor little boy.

Every morning after the accident, I woke up still in no pain and it baffled me.  They told me I would have pain.  They told me the numbness would go away.  I was still numb.  On December 14th, the 4th morning after the accident, when I woke up, I felt my skin again to see if I was still numb, but this time I pressed into my body.  I pressed into my muscles and I felt nothing.  I pressed hard.  Nothing.  I hadn't realized that my muscles were also numb!  I went into a panic.  Something was very wrong with my body.  I started to worry that I had a spinal cord injury or that my brain injury was much worse than the doctors had originally thought.  

I immediately went onto the internet to search for a local chiropractor.  In my search, I had a very strong feeling that I needed someone holistic and spiritual.  I am holistic and spiritual and I didn't want to go to just anyone.  Now, this is a bit strange, since it was an emergency, but for some very strong internal reason, it had to be just the right one.  I looked on many websites of local chiropractors, reading their descriptions and saying to myself, "No, that's not the one."  And I kept searching.  I searched and searched, revisiting pages and still saying, "No, not that one."  

When I clicked on a new website, the page was slow to load.  The first thing that loaded on this website was the background color, a light green.  Inside I said, "That's the one!"  Nothing else was on the page yet, but somehow I knew.  The next thing to load was a picture of a plant.  It was loading in slow motion, just like my new way of being, in slow motion.  When I saw that plant, again I said, "That's the one!"  I loved that plant.  Then when the page fully loaded, it said the words holistic, mind, body and spirit.  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I knew THIS WAS THE ONE.  

I called and the receptionist answered.  I told her about the accident and being numb.  She said the doctor only worked until 1:00 PM that day and he was booked, but that she would talk to him and call me back.  It was 9:48 AM.  I told her that in the meantime I was going to take a shower to get ready just in case he could see me.  When I got out of the shower, there was a message on my phone saying that the doctor rearranged his schedule so he could see me at 10:15 AM.  I was a new patient and he needed a long time with me she had told me.  So, I called a taxi first to see if I would be able to arrive in time for the appointment and yes, a taxi could come right away.  I called the doctor's office and told them I would be on my way in 10 minutes.  This all happened so fast and within a matter of minutes, I was at the doctor's office on time for my appointment.  The office just happened to be only a couple miles from my house.  How quickly it all came together seemed miraculous.

I put on the ugliest clothes I owned, and the practically-disabled-me, got into the taxi with my son.  When we arrived at the office, we waited in the waiting area.  I could hear the doctor in his office with the door open.  He was talking on the phone.  A little later he greeted us and we went into his office.  He asked me questions about myself and I told him I was a healer and hypnotherapist.  He was very intrigued.  He was a healer, too.  He was not just a chiropractor but also an energy healer, like me.  He spent a very long time with me.  He is a very spiritual man with strong intuition.  He picked up something special about me and even made a phone call during my appointment with me in the room to tell a co-worker over speaker phone that I was there.  It was significant to him, because I was a special kind of soul according to him.  He was impressed with something about me.  He said I was a rare type of gifted people on the planet, who posses the gift of prophecy, clairvoyance and intuition.  Somehow he knew some things about me.  It was interesting to say the least.  

During the appointment, the doctor was given inner guidance that he needed to perform a miracle on me.  So, he did.  Along with the chiropractic work, he did some energy healing on me.  He brought me back to myself.  Soon after this appointment, my personality returned, my speech improved and I started to get better.  Whatever he did truly felt like a miracle.  I was still in bed for several weeks after that, because my brain was still healing.  The brain uses a lot of energy.  When the brain is injured, you can have extreme fatigue while it is healing and this is what I experienced.  And by the way, he did do the food sensitivity testing for me for free without my asking about it.

After the appointment, the doctor walked me up to the front desk.  As I was checking out, he was not trying to schedule more visits for me or telling me I needed to come back.  I thought this was highly unusual, since I had just been in an accident, and he had explained to me how so many parts of my body were out of alignment from it.  I knew I would need to be coming back for several weeks to get adjustments.  So, I said to him, "Don't you think I should come back?"  He jumped up from his chair behind the desk and came directly over to me, looked straight into my eyes and said, "We are connected now."  When I looked into his eyes, I said to myself, "Those are my eyes. We have the same eyes.  I am looking into my own eyes."  And with the words he had just said, "We are connected now," along with them came a telepathic communication of great depth that told me he would be sending me healing from a distance at the soul level and that our connection would continue spiritually.  I replied back to him out loud, "I understand."  He then quickly shook himself out of this trance of our eye lock and telepathic communication that really only lasted about 3 seconds, but is remembered forever and grabbed one of his business cards.  He wrote his cell phone number on it and told me to call him the next week if I needed more support.  This was a Friday.  

After the appointment, I had about 20 minutes before the taxi was going to arrive, so my son and I went to the grocery store that was next to the doctor's office.  While in the grocery store, it was as if I was looking out with new eyes. And I was.  Everything was brighter, more colorful, more vibrant and I felt that I was seeing the world for the first time.  Being in that grocery store with all those vibrant, vivid colors was an experience I'll never forgot.  I was trying not to act too strange when I was looking at everything wide-eyed and openly admiring everything as if I were a newborn child seeing the beauty and wonder of the colors and foods for the first time.  I was aware of what had occurred, since with my energy healing and hypnotherapy work with my clients, I bring in new aspects of their higher selves into their bodies.  This is what this doctor had facilitated for me.  I knew that a new aspect of my soul was now in my body, looking out of my eyes for the first time in this life.  He had helped to bring more of me here.  This newly embodied part of me integrated within myself soon after that.

When I arrived home, after the taxi dropped us off, I noticed that the doctor had come with me, not physically, but energetically he was still with me.  This man was so completely and utterly present in my energy field.  I had never experienced such a thing in my life.  So, I asked my dad, who is on the other side, "Who is this man?"  The second I asked, I saw two identical gold rings, like wedding bands, flash in my third eye.  What?  Wedding bands?  I'm going to marry him?  This was a surprise to me and I didn't quite understand what was happening, or who he truly was for me.

So, this man did not leave me and would not leave me for quite some time.  What ended up happening to me right away after meeting him was an enormous heart opening like nothing I'd ever felt in my life.  My heart exploded with love.  I felt rapture.  I felt ecstasy.  The feelings I was having were not in direct relation to anything he said, did, looked like, how he acted, or anything having to do with him, the man.  It was a soul-level activation and recognition.  The bliss and ecstasy I was experiencing was an overwhelming, full-body, heart-exploding love that I needed to relish in and spend time in all day, every day for weeks, absorbing it and processing it through me.  I laid in bed resting and sleeping all day, every day for weeks, still incapacitated, while my brain was healing.  I had tremendous fatigue.  

I was guided to a song to listen to with headphones on.  It was this song.  When I heard this song, I basked in that love.  I needed this song.  I needed it all day, every day for weeks as my brain was healing.  It was part of my healing therapy.  I felt like it was helping my brain heal.  I was transported to another plane of existence, that of Pure Divine Love, while listening to this song and being awash with this ecstatic love.  Listening to this song, I was in bliss and I was with him and my soul.  And I was with God.

I went back to see him for more appointments.  My next appointment was on December 20th, 2012.  This was the day before December 21st, 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar and the day that many thought we'd either ascend, or the world as we knew it would end.  The doctor told me about his preparations for that event and how he'd be spending his time in prayer.  That day came and went.  I kept going back to his office for more appointments over the next 9 months.  Somehow the colors of our clothing matched exactly almost every time I went to see him.  There were many supernatural, mind-blowing occurrences along the way.   

The other thing that happened along with the love and heart-opening was excruciating soul-pain from the separation from him.  He was my twin flame.  Twin flames share the same soul.  To leave part of your soul is reminiscent of the original separation from God, or so I assume.  It felt like my soul had been ripped out of me.  It felt like I was dying.  I cried from the depths of my soul, longing for the reuniting of my soul.  None of this felt logical.  It all felt otherworldly.  It wasn't that I loved this man per se; it's that I loved his soul, my soul, our soul.  It felt torturous to be separated.  I felt like I needed him.  But I didn't even really want him per se.  It was so confusing.  This went on for months.  I felt both the ecstasy and the agony. Divine Love and utter devastation coexisted within me all the time.  Eventually, we parted ways and I stopped seeing him for appointments.  Nothing ever came of our relationship; we were always just doctor-patient, although there was a little friendship in there as well.   

A couple weeks after our initial meeting, I was looking at my calendar.  I saw that open house penciled in on that Saturday before my car accident.  I had only seen the name of the healing center back then, but not the doctor's name.  When I was doing my internet search for chiropractors that morning when I was in a panic, because my body was numb and found his practice, the name of the website was just his name, not the name of the center.  It had never occurred to me that this might have been the same place.  In fact, I had completely forgotten about that open house.  Much to my astonishment, THIS WAS THE SAME PLACE.  I was supposed to have been there two days before my car accident.  I realized that my soul must have brought on the feelings of insecurity and shyness to prevent me from going that day.  Our meeting needed to be rearranged to a time in which there were not so many people around and we could have more one-on-one time.  It took someone crashing into me to bring me to his office, because ultimately, I was supposed to meet him.  There are no accidents. 

*Note: I tried over and over again to fix the font size on this post, but it would not work.  I am sorry for the small font size!


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Stephanie. I was in the middle of a 3 day migraine and could barely focus, but I decided to get up and have a look at facebook and there was your post. The tale was moving! I was kind of hoping you'd marry him! Anyway, Anyway, The 'SONG' is playing here now and I swear I'm feeling much better. It's the kind of song that reaches in and gently holds your essence in love. It reminds me of the late Dr. David R. Hawkins. So thank you again for sharing this. I'm very grateful!

    1. John, I am so sorry to hear about your migraine, but I am so glad this song was healing for you! Funny about marrying him - we did not have that in our soul contract, so it's totally fine!! I really like David Hawkins' work! Thank you so much for your comment.
